Shifting the emphasis from knowledge to knowing : the hybrid public-private alliance as collaborative membrane

Tywoniak, Stephane and Sutherland, Janet and Galvin, Peter (2008) Shifting the emphasis from knowledge to knowing : the hybrid public-private alliance as collaborative membrane. [Conference Paper]


Theories of knowledge management in alliances between competitors highlight the role of the alliance as a vehicle in a competition for knowledge. Vertical publicprivate partnerships face a different institutional framework where competition for knowledge gives way to cooperation. This paper reports on a case study of the evolution of knowledge management practices in a public agency engaged in vertical outsourcing partnerships. The agency evolved its contracting towards alliances as it sought better outsourcing outcomes, this translated into new organizational arrangements where arms-lengths hierarchical processes of knowledge management was progressively replaced by horizontal, democratic processes. Underpinning this evolution was a parallel shift in thinking about knowledge, from a conceptualization of knowledge as an asset to be managed, to a view of knowledge as a tool supporting knowing in practice

Additional Information

Item Type: Conference Paper
Collection: CRC for Construction Innovation
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The contents of this conference can be freely accessed online via the conference's web page (see hypertext link).

Date: 2008
Keywords: Knowledge Management; Public Sector; Public; Private Relationships; Collaboration; CRC for Construction Innovation; Program A : Business and Industry Development; Project 2006-039-A : Managing Knowledge in an Outsourcing Environment
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Date Deposited: 11 Mar 2014 03:14
Last Modified: 11 Mar 2014 03:20
Copyright Owner: Copyright 2008 (please consult author)
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