CRC for Construction Innovation : Media Releases 2003

Anon. (2003) CRC for Construction Innovation : Media Releases 2003. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Additional Information

Item Type: Other
Collection: CRC for Construction Innovation
Sub-Collection Title:

Construction Innovation founding member of ICALL [Mar03] Need a toilet? Find one using a way-finding tool [Jul03] Be Heard! Construction 2020 - The way forward [Sept03] Construction 2020 asking questions in every Australian capital city NSW [Nov03] Sustainability still a dirty word in residential development [Jun03] Construction Innovationresponds to Cole Royal Commission [Mar03] QUT Scholar to Study Green Building Springfield Lakes GreenSmart Village [May03] Linking Research to Industry Needs [Oct03] Construction 2020 asking questions in every Australian capital city Vic [Nov03] Construction 2020 asking questions in every Australian capital city Tas [Nov03] Construction 2020 asking questions in every Australian capital city ACT [Nov03] Construction 2020 Brisbane Workshop [Nov03]

Date: 2003
Keywords: CRC for Construction Innovation
Date Deposited: 11 Mar 2014 03:18
Last Modified: 11 Mar 2014 03:20
Copyright Owner: Copyright 2003 Icon.Net Pty Ltd
Copyright Statement: The Participants of the CRC for Construction Innovation have delegated authority to the CEO of the CRC to give Participants permission to publish material created by the CRC for Construction Innovation. This delegation is contained in Clause 30 of the Agreement for the Establishment and Operation of the Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation. The CEO of the CRC for Construction Innovation gives permission to the Queensland University of Technology to publish the papers/publications provided in the collection in QUT ePrints provided that the publications are published in full. Icon.Net Pty Ltd retains copyright to the publications. Any other usage is prohibited without the express permission of the CEO of the CRC. The CRC warrants that Icon.Net Pty Ltd holds copyright to all papers/reports/publications produced by the CRC for Construction Innovation.
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