Report 1: Setting the theoretical scene: the development of a new method to interpret cultural landscapes and assess their value / edited by Helen Armstrong

Anon. (2001) Report 1: Setting the theoretical scene: the development of a new method to interpret cultural landscapes and assess their value / edited by Helen Armstrong. [Report]


The Project "Investigating Queensland's Cultural Landscapes: CONTESTED TERRAINS" was funded by ARC-SPIRT grant (1997-1999). The participants in this project included members of the Cultural Landscape Research Unit (QUT) with the industry partner being the Queensland Government's Environmental Protection Agency (Cultural Heritage Branch). An ePrint for this item is available at

Additional Information

Item Type: Report
Collection: QUT Landscape Architecture
Sub-Collection Title:

QUT Landscape Architecture - Report

Date: 2001
Keywords: Queensland University of Technology - History; Landscape Architecture; Qld; Botanical gardens - Queensland - Brisbane; Landscape architecture - Queensland - Brisbane; City planning - Queensland - Brisbane; Brisbane (Qld.) Council; Land use - Queensland - Brisbane - Planning; Queensland Institute of Technology; Horticulture; History
Date Deposited: 20 Oct 2015 23:40
Last Modified: 04 Nov 2015 23:57
Copyright Owner: Queensland University of Technology
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this image without permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]