Second Cliff House (1896–1907) Hotel, San Francisco

L'Estrange, Robert Augustus Henry (ca. 1902) Second Cliff House (1896–1907) Hotel, San Francisco. [Image]


In 1896, Adolph Sutro built a new Cliff House, a seven-story Victorian Chateau, called by some "the Gingerbread Palace", below his estate on the bluffs of Sutro Heights. This was the same year work began on the famous Sutro Baths in a small cove immediately north of the Restaurant. The baths included six of the largest indoor swimming pools, a museum, a skating rink and other pleasure grounds. Great throngs of San Franciscans arrived on steam trains, bicycles, carts and horse wagons on Sunday excursions. Sutro purchased some of the collection of stuffed animals, artwork, and historic items from Woodward's Gardens to display at both the Cliff House and Sutro Baths.

The 1896 Cliff House survived the 1906 earthquake with little damage, but burned to the ground on the evening of September 7, 1907, after existing for only 11 years. (Wikipedia)

Additional Information

Item Type: Image
Collection: QUT Alumni Donations
Sub-Collection Title:

Robert Augustus Henry L'Estrange - Originals - United States

Date: ca. 1902
Keywords: San Francisco - Hotel; Cliff House Hotel - History
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Date Deposited: 23 Aug 2017 04:03
Last Modified: 29 Jul 2022 02:23
Copyright Owner: Out of copyright
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this image without permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology
CountryState or RegionCity or Town
United States of AmericaCaliforniaOuter Richmond
Location 37.778394, -122.5139
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