Endslate: 2010: seven short films by QUT film graduates [Program]

QUT, Creative Industries, Film (2010) Endslate: 2010: seven short films by QUT film graduates [Program]. [Performance]


From the 2010 program "Welcome to this special screening of our graduating students’ work. Each film you see tonight is a team effort. Driven by a passion to tell stories and to become masters of their craft, each member of the team has made a valuable contribution towards the final result you see on the screen. Enthusiasm, commitment and a respect for each other are just a few of the qualities that they have had to draw upon to bring these projects to life. At QUT we value the unique and distinctive voice of each student and hope they will continue to bring a freshness of vision and approach to all their work in the future."

Short Films: Can we still be friends?; Eden; Furious Five; Lollipop Boy; Roland; The Fall of Erebus; Wild Encounters

Additional Information

Item Type: Performance
Collection: QUT Film Screen & Animation
Sub-Collection Title:

QUT Creative Industries Film and Television Production Staff - Endslate

Date: 28 November 2010
Keywords: Queensland University of Technology; Film; Sound; Vision; Media; Television; Fine Arts; Creative Industries; Production; Screen; Cinema; Brisbane; Endslate
Date Deposited: 19 Apr 2018 01:34
Last Modified: 19 Apr 2018 01:34
Copyright Owner: Queensland University of Technology
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this item with permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology
URI: https://digitalcollections.qut.edu.au/id/eprint/4597
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]