Endslate, 28.11.2005 [Program]

QUT, Creative Industries, Film (2005) Endslate, 28.11.2005 [Program]. [Performance]


From the 2005 program "Welcome to this special screening of short films created by our graduating students. Innovation, creativity, enthusiasm and commitment are qualities we greatly value at QUT. Qualities that we believe are evident in tonight's short films. As you step inside the minds of these emerging film makers, you will witness extraordinary talent-talent that we at OUT Creative Industries are proud of and talent that we work hard to develop in all our students. As we continue to create industry-savvy graduates we hope that the industry will be able to join with us as we explore new and exciting ways to expand our students' horizons. Drama: The Blue Vase; Cassolette; COT; The Great Pimp; Just Add Water; Ready Set Go; Release; The Tyger and the Lamb; The Unfinished Story Television Commercial: Saviour; Water Recycler

Additional Information

Item Type: Performance
Collection: QUT Film Screen & Animation
Sub-Collection Title:

QUT Creative Industries Film and Television Production Staff - Endslate

Date: 28 November 2005
Keywords: Queensland University of Technology; Film; Sound; Vision; Media; Television; Fine Arts; Creative Industries; Production; Screen; Cinema; Brisbane; Endslate
Date Deposited: 18 May 2018 03:58
Last Modified: 18 May 2018 03:58
Copyright Owner: Queensland University of Technology
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this item with permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology
URI: https://digitalcollections.qut.edu.au/id/eprint/4803
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]