Endslate 2012: QUT Film Screen and Animation Graduate Showcase 2012

QUT, Creative Industries, Film (2012) Endslate 2012: QUT Film Screen and Animation Graduate Showcase 2012. [Performance]


From the 2012 program " To make a fi lm is to be part of a team with each member of the team making a valuable distinct. personal contribution to the project. Throughout the three years of this degree the students have refined their creative skills. acguired knowledge and most importantly they have grown in character. Enthusiasm commitment and a respect for one another are just some of the qualities that they have had to draw upon to bring these projects to life. They are filmmakers who are driven to become masters of the craft of storytelling - stories that transport audiences on emotional journeys of entertainment. discovery and insight. And having come to the end of this course they now embark on a new journey one that will reguire persistence and application if they are to succeed - but this is the journey that will define them as filmmakers. If I may share a parting thought with you all. it is held in the notion that truly creative work is informed by the unigue the distinctly individual understanding we each have of the world. And I offer three guotes that might illuminate this notion: The first from Stanislavsky -

The person you are is a thousand times more interesting than the person you might ever hope to be.

And these from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - If you would create something. you must be something. And- Until one is committed there is always hesitancy. The chance to draw back Always ineffectiveness . Whatever you can do or dream you can. begin it: Boldness has genius. power and magic in it.

On behalf of all the staff in the discipline I wish all students great success in all that they do.

Short Films: 2 Minutes to Change the World; 1980 School Days; Abigail Lancaster; Blood Heist; The Box; Canopy; Choirboys; Death cab; Diamond in the Rough; Diplobrats; Easy money; The End of Everything; Erratus; The Flying Machine; Generation Green; God I Love You; Gun; Heart scam; The Hero, the Thief and the Glutton; Holding On; I Never Chose This; I See Something You That Don't See; The Kitchen; Mental; Omega; One Standard Drinker; Death Cab 2.0; Sweet Love; Tower Troubles; The Traveller; Wanderers; Who Touch My Carrot; A Wild Day Out; The Wilston Murder; Work in Progress; Mute; Tinderbox

Additional Information

Item Type: Performance
Collection: QUT Film Screen & Animation
Sub-Collection Title:

QUT Creative Industries Film and Television Production Staff - Endslate

Date: 2012
Keywords: Queensland University of Technology; Film; Sound; Vision; Media; Television; Fine Arts; Creative Industries; Production; Screen; Cinema; Brisbane; Endslate
Date Deposited: 29 May 2018 02:30
Last Modified: 29 May 2018 02:30
Copyright Owner: Queensland University of Technology
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this item with permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology
URI: https://digitalcollections.qut.edu.au/id/eprint/4808
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]