Pin the tail on the Doco: 2005 Documentary showcase

QUT, Creative Industries, Film (2005) Pin the tail on the Doco: 2005 Documentary showcase. [Performance]


Welcome to our Documentary Showcase 2005 screenings. Each of the Documentary's screened tonight have been made by a group of students held together with a vision and a passion for their craft. They have a story to tell and I hope you will enjoy their efforts. Your support and interest is important to us; please take the opportunity to stay after the screening and talk to the film makers. Geoff Partmann Head Film and TV

2005 Documentary Showcase: Art Therapy; Over the Fence; The man Who Wouldn't Give Up; Dish Pigs; Dancing with Mr. Boyd; Glue & Sawdust; The Duel; Red Hot and D-Cup

Additional Information

Item Type: Performance
Collection: QUT Film Screen & Animation
Sub-Collection Title:

QUT Creative Industries Film and Television Production Staff - Documentary Showcase

Date: 28 June 2005
Keywords: Queensland University of Technology; Film; Sound; Vision; Media; Television; Fine Arts; Creative Industries; Production; Screen; Cinema; Brisbane
Date Deposited: 29 May 2018 05:22
Last Modified: 13 Nov 2018 02:49
Copyright Owner: Queensland University of Technology
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this item with permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]