The Lantern and how to use it: the "Amateur Photographer" library No. 10

Norton, C. Goodwin (1895) The Lantern and how to use it: the "Amateur Photographer" library No. 10. Hazell, Watson, and Viney Ltd, London; United Kingdom.


The object of this work is to show the construction of the various kinds of lanterns and accessories now in use, and how to obtain the best results from them. The term "magic-lantern" is usually associated with an evil-smelling apparatus, suitable only to amuse children. The optical lantern, though constructed on precisely the same principles, is fast becoming the most popular of scientific instruments. While the microscope and telescope can only be used by one or two persons at the same time, and require a certain amount of training and study to enable those using them to appreciate the wonders shown, the optical lantern is capable of projecting pictures to the gaze of thousands at one and the same time, its capacity being limited, not by the cost of . the lenses or the size of the instrument, but by the power of the light.

Additional Information

Item Type: Book
Collection: QUT Alumni Donations
Sub-Collection Title:

Robert Augustus Henry L'Estrange - Copies - Book

Date: 1895
Keywords: Lantern Slide projectors; Magic Lantern; Lantern projection; Projectors - History
Date Deposited: 12 Sep 2018 23:23
Last Modified: 12 Sep 2018 23:27
Copyright Owner: Out of copyright
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this item without permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]