Queensland University of Technology: Annual Report 2004

Queensland University of Technology (2004) Queensland University of Technology: Annual Report 2004. Queensland University of Technology: Annual Report 2004


Our annual report provides an evaluation of our performance and achievements during the previous year, measured against our goals and strategic plans. It documents our performance in the three key areas of: teaching and learning research community service.

The report includes a summary of financial performance and a copy of our audited accounts.

Additional Information

Item Type: Periodical
Collection: QUT Publications
Sub-Collection Title:

QUT Publications - Annual Reports

Date: 2004
Keywords: Queensland University of Technology - Annual Reports
Date Deposited: 26 Nov 2018 01:17
Last Modified: 30 Nov 2018 01:27
Copyright Owner: Queensland University of Technology
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this item without permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology.
URI: https://digitalcollections.qut.edu.au/id/eprint/4973
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]