The Old Bridge over the River Avon, Castle Street, Christchurch, Dorset

L'Estrange, Robert Augustus Henry (ca. 1900) The Old Bridge over the River Avon, Castle Street, Christchurch, Dorset. [Image]


Road bridge over River Avon. Erected in the C15 or C16; repaired and strengthened over the centuries, including widening around 1900 and the erection of footbridge (not included in the listing) on north side in 1950.

DESCRIPTION: it is constructed of limestone and ironstone ashlar, although its north elevation is entirely of limestone. The bridge has five round-headed arches; those to the downstream (south) elevation are of two orders with inner voussoirs of limestone, like the body of the bridge, and outer ones of ironstone. The arches to the north side are flush with the face of the bridge. There is a pointed cutwater between each arch, six to the downstream elevation and four to the upstream side, and a parapet above. On the north side of the bridge is a mid-C20 cantilevered footbridge which has been anchored to the older structure and is not of special interest.

Additional Information

Item Type: Image
Collection: QUT Alumni Donations
Sub-Collection Title:

Robert Augustus Henry L'Estrange - Originals - England

Date: ca. 1900
Keywords: Architecture - English; Stone arch bridge; Christchurch, Dorset - England
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Date Deposited: 11 Apr 2019 04:49
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2024 01:59
Copyright Owner: Out of copyright
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this image without permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology
CountryState or RegionCity or TownPlace
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandEnglandChristchurchDorset
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]