2018 Golden Graduates Morning Tea

QUT Alumuni and Development Office (2018) 2018 Golden Graduates Morning Tea. UNSPECIFIED.


The attached powerpoint and pdf document were prepared to commemorate the 2018 Golden Graduate's morning tea celebration

Additional Information

Item Type: Other
Collection: QUT Stories
Sub-Collection Title:

QUT - History - Kelvin Grove Teachers' College (KGTC) 1961-1975

Date: 2018
Keywords: Kelvin Grove Teachers' College; Teachers - Training of - Queensland; Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education - History; Colleges of advanced education - Brisbane - Kelvin Grove; Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education, 1942-1981; Kelvin Grove Teachers' College - Teachers - Training of - Queensland
Date Deposited: 14 May 2019 05:45
Last Modified: 14 May 2019 05:53
Copyright Owner: Queensland University of Technology
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this item without permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology.
URI: https://digitalcollections.qut.edu.au/id/eprint/5532
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]