The Barnet book of Photography: a collection of practical articles

Anon. (1898) The Barnet book of Photography: a collection of practical articles. Elliott and Son, Barnet, Herfortshire, England.


The purpose of this book is to place in the hands of every Photographer instructive articles on essential processes and manipulations, by eminent writers who have given such subjects their especial study, and who have borne in mind that whilst the experienced Amateur and the Professional may each find much to learn from a comparatively elementary description of methods and means, it is the Beginner who stands in greatest need of help. In the mind of every photographer the name of Barnet is inseparable from a great Photographic Industry, and now it is intended that the name shall be associated with a good and useful book, which is called the BARNET Book OF PHOTOGRAPHY, and it left to the reader to say if the fulfilment of its purpose and the manner of its doing are such as to justify its existence. To all who are interested in photography, who love it for itself and for its productions, and who desire to improve their own practice of its many processes and applications, this Book, is respectfully dedicated

Additional Information

Item Type: Book
Collection: QUT Alumni Donations
Sub-Collection Title:

Robert Augustus Henry L'Estrange - Copies - Book

Date: April 1898
Keywords: Photography -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Date Deposited: 08 Aug 2019 04:01
Last Modified: 08 Aug 2019 04:01
Copyright Owner: Out of copyright
Copyright Statement: You are free to use this item without permission. Please attribute Queensland University of Technology
Admin: item control page [repository staff only]