Videos in the #3727 : QUT Alumni Donations collection

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Australia - History

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Australia copies R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Australia originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Brisbane - History

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Brisbane Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Collected images

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Australia copies R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

England - History

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from English Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Ireland - Originals

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Ireland Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Original Images

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Australia originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)


Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Brisbane Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from English Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Queensland Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Queensland - History

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Queensland Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Rest of the World Copies R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Rest of the World Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Rest of the Copies - Originals

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Rest of the World Copies R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Rest of the World - Originals

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Rest of the World Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Robert Augustus Henry L'Estrange

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Australia copies R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Australia originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Brisbane Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from English Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Ireland Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Queensland Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Rest of the World Copies R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Anon. (2021) MP4 made from Rest of the World Originals R.A.H. L'Estrange images: 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)

Robert Augustus Henry L'Estrange: Traversing the Globe exhibition background

Anon. (2021) MP4 Background and About the "Traversing the Globe: The L'Estrange photographic legacy exhibition, May 2021. [Video] (Unpublished)